Fun, Happiness, Joy


We experience happiness through play, experience, creation, and learning. The most important thing about growing up is to enjoy the process and embrace growth. Being a happy child leads to becoming a happy adult, fearless of the future and living in the present.

Everyone pursues happiness in different ways when they come into this world. One of those ways is through playing, which is the most universal language that brings joy and energy, and toys serve as the medium for that. mideer incorporates various emotions of joy into the creation of each toy, infusing them with the genes of happiness. Whether it's Scenario-based toys, DIY creative toys, Childhood toys, Educational toys, or STEAM toys, they all create a relaxed, comfortable, and happy atmosphere, allowing children to enjoy the process of growth no matter if they are studying, creating alone, interacting with parents, or collaborating with friends. From growing up in this relaxed and joyful atmosphere, children will become more confident, courageous, and able to express their ideas and creativity freely while maintaining an inclusive mindset.

A person with aesthetic cultivation, creative ability, tolerance, natural disposition, confidence, and courage, in our view, such a person is highly capable of achieving a happy life.

Different toys bring different benefits to children while playing. When young children have limited exposure to real-life situations, they learn about the world through the scenarios and emotions depicted in their toys. Toys that truly inspire children's interest and convey more joy can encourage them to discover the beauty in life, perceive and express life, and find more pleasure in life, thereby achieving a sense of accomplishment and happiness.

Happy "Sunshine Coast"

Sunshine, beach, and seawater - the scene of playing by the sea with friends or family.
Let's create our own Sunshine Coast together!
With unlimited creativity, We can enjoy happiness
Through creation and team collaboration.

How to Help Children Get More Happiness Through Toys?

1.Proper guidance and let children choose toys they are interested in.

When children choose their own toys, they are more willing to experience play, without resistance, making it easier for them to accept and enjoy it. They will also gain more joy from it.

2.Play with children together.

Playing with toys increases their interest and scene-setting, and through more parent-child companionship, children's emotional needs are more satisfied, making them more confident and happy.

3.Play with friends.

During playtime, children can feel the joy of socializing.
Children already have some social behavior, but their active awareness is not strong.Toys become a bridge for them to build friendships,Learn to share and be considerate through mutual interaction, and feel warmth and happiness.

In the company of play, children can feel the joy of cooperation.
By cooperating with each other and playing different roles, children can work together to complete the game and feel the joy of cooperation and good results.

4.When children create, challenge, or make something through toys, give them affirmation and praise.

When children complete a project or successfully pass a level,Don't hesitate to praise and compliment them. 

Feel their confidence and joy,But also remind them that there is always room for improvement and encourage continuous learning. 

Avoid excessive praise that may make children arrogant and proud.